School Renovations and Infrastructure Updates
Potter Elementary

Potter Elementary School renovations began during the month of October 2023.
These renovations significantly enhance our learning environments and further our commitment to our scholars and staff. As we embark on this journey of transformation, we want to provide the school community with important updates throughout the process, as we are dedicated to keeping you informed every step of the way.
Project Duration: October 16, 2023 -July 24, 2024
Construction project scope: Abatement, roof replacement, secure entry/vestibule, replacement of exterior doors and glazing, ADA/Code items, HVAC upgrades, add fire protection, electrical power and distribution upgrades, fire alarm and PA upgrades, lighting system replacement, ceiling replacement for the entire building, painting of corridors and classrooms, office renovation at secured entry, landscaping upgrades, directional signage secured entry and wall graphics/school branding at building entrance.
Environmental Work and Continuation of Construction Project: Environmental work is scheduled from October 16 to October 27, 2023, with completion expected by November 2, 2023. This marks the commencement of major construction projects. During this period, we will construct temporary walls to ensure the safety of scholars and staff and to contain debris from construction in the affected areas.
New Entrance: Throughout the construction period, the new entrance for scholars and staff will be the north entrance to the building. Look for appropriate signage to indicate this change to the school community.
Temporary Cafe: As part of the renovation, we will also create a temporary cafe to provide an alternative lunch location.
Public Notices
Potter Elementary Images
Images courtesy of Clark Construction Company.

Potter Elementary and Holmes STEM Middle School Academy

10-23-23 Public Notice: Flint Community Schools Board of Education Approves Potter Elementary and Holmes STEM Middle School Academy Renovation Projects
The Flint Community Schools is pleased to announce that during its regular board meeting on Wednesday, October 18, 2023, the Flint Board of Education approved the selection of recommended trade contractors for the upcoming construction projects at Potter Elementary and Holmes STEM Middle School Academy.
The Flint Community Schools Board of Education recognizes these projects' importance in ensuring our educational facilities' safety and functionality. The approved projects encompass a wide range of scopes, including building and selective demolition, masonry, structural steel, rough-finish carpentry, general trades, metal wall panel and siding, glass, and glazing for entrances, storefronts, and windows, metal studs, gypsum board and acoustic ceilings, painting and wall coverings, carpet, resilient flooring, hard tile, fire protection, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, earthwork, utilities, and site concrete. Additionally, the scope of work for Holmes STEM Middle School Academy includes asphalt paving between Holmes and Brownell schools.
Public Notice
Holmes STEM Middle Schools Academy Images
Images courtesy of Clark Construction Company