Education Partnerships
With ongoing support from Apple, Flint Community Schools now has cutting-edge technology like laptops, iPads, and Promethean interactive whiteboards purchased with Title funding. A partnership with Cranbrook provides field trips and advanced study opportunities. FCS scholars also have access to higher education learning from institutions including Kettering University, University of Michigan-Flint, and Michigan State University.
Technology Initiative. 2:1 means two devices (Chromebook, laptop, iPad, etc.) for each scholar!
As a result of Title funding FCS scholars leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.
A District incorporating digital learning in a Title I schoolwide program can use Title I, Part A funds to purchase devices and digital learning resources to support all students and staff if this use is supported by the school’s comprehensive needs assessment and schoolwide plan. In addition, the school might use Title II, Part A funds to help teachers improve their teaching through the use of effective blended learning practices, Title III, Part A funds to provide access to supplemental technology specifically for English Language Learners (ELLs), and Title IV.