Live Streaming Board Meeting
Key Points of the Live Streaming Service:
Accessibility: The live stream can be accessed online, providing real-time insight into the proceedings of the Flint School Board of Education meetings.
Platform Limitations: It's important to note that comments or questions submitted through the live stream platform will not be read during the meeting.
In-Person Participation for Comments: Those wishing to make comments are encouraged to attend the meetings in person. These are held at the Accelerated Learning Academy, formerly Scott Elementary School, located at 1602 S. Averill Ave., Flint 48503, starting at 6:30 PM.
Recordings on YouTube: For those who cannot attend or watch live, recordings of the meetings since March 2020 are available on YouTube. Interested individuals can subscribe to the Flint Schools Board of Education channel for easy access to past meetings.
Through these efforts, the Flint Board of Education ensures that the school community remains informed and has the opportunity to participate in the governance of the educational system.
Click on the image above or the following link for the LIVESTREAM via our Youtube Channel for Flint Board of Education Meetings at https://www.youtube.com/@flintschoolboard