Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (referred to as ESSER III funds)
The timeline for ESSER funding is delineated by several key points. First, the federal government awards State Education Agencies (SEAs) with funding, and from there, SEAs will be able to award sub-grants to Local Education Agencies (LEAs). While the sub-grant awarding period for ESSER I concluded on 9/30/2021, ESSER II and III have been awarded to LEAs. At the end of each sub-grant awarding period, LEAs will have 1 year to obligate their share of ESSER funds. At the end of this year, any un-obligated funds must returned to SEAs, and then to the federal government.
The CARES, CRRSA, and ARP Acts, authorizing ESSER funds I-III, outline acceptable uses of this federal support. Broadly, legislative priorities include spending to reverse learning losses, support marginalized populations, prevent additional disease spread, provide students with access to cutting-edge educational technology, revitalize student mental health, and coordinate the efforts of educators with public health departments (USED, May 2021). In detail, a Frequently Answered Questions document from USED flags allowable uses of ESSER funds as including:
Examples include:
Funding for Summer educational programs;
The development of a curriculum to address learning loss;
Updated HVAC systems;
Improvements to school infrastructure to accommodate students with disabilities;
New laptops and other technology-based educational tools;
Guidance counseling and mental health resources for students affected by the COVID-19 pandemic;
Extra-curricular activities to improve student well-being (art, sports, music, cooking, etc.).
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (referred to as ESSER III funds) Reporting
The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (FFATA), Public Law 109-282, as amended by the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA Act), Public Law 113-101 requires that, on a monthly basis, Federal prime grant recipients report on sub-awards made that equal or exceed $30,000. Federal Prime recipients of ESSER I, ESSER II, ARP ESSER, GEER I, GEER II, EANS I, or ARP EANS funds must comply with the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) reporting requirements.
The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) was signed on September 26, 2006. The intent is to empower every American with the ability to hold the government accountable for each spending decision. The result is to reduce wasteful spending in the government. The FFATA legislation requires information on federal awards (federal financial assistance and expenditures) to be made available to the public via a single, searchable website.
ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY In keeping with accountability, transparency, and reporting requirements, all portions of a district’s ESSER application and reports on the use of funds may be publicly posted.
School districts, county offices of education, and charter schools, collectively known as Local Education Agencies (LEA), that receive Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, referred to as ESSER III funds are required to develop a plan for how they will use their ESSER III funds.
For full transparency regarding how Flint Community Schools allocated the funds provided through the CARES, CRRSA, and ARP Acts, authorizing ESSER funds I-III, please click the following link.