FLINT, Mich. (WJRT) - Students and staff in Flint Community Schools gathered Thursday as the final piece of steel was signed and placed for the school district's newest building in more than 50 years.
Flint Community Schools is expected to have a grand opening ceremony for The Cube in September.
Students and staff apart of Flint Community Schools were at Brownell STEM Academy and neighboring Holmes STEM Middle School academy to sign their name for the last steel beam.
The final steel beam was then lifted into place on top of The Cube. The building will be the school district's first new construction project in 50 years.
"We begin to look up what's going on in other countries, education in other countries," says Flint Community Schools superintendent Kevelin Jones. "We saw something similar, called The Cube, as a resource center. And we said, well, we want to put that on our property for our children."
The Cube is part of a $40 million investment in the North Side schools.
The building will be 5,000 square feet, and it will serve students and the surrounding community.
Everybody says this neighborhood is down, but now it is looking up," says the president of Brownell Holmes Neighborhood Association, Jeanette Edwards. "We're not going down, we're going up. With The Cube, it's going to be a hub for the whole neighborhood."
The Cube will offer extended hours, provide an office space, community meeting space and programming for adults and students.
It tells them that they are valued," said Jones. "It tells them that they're worth it. They don't have to go out of the city, out of their neighborhoods, to see a state-of-the-art building."
Jones adds that this kind of building is the first of its kind in the United States.
"I've got neighbors that ride by and looking and asking is the building you are all talking about," explained Edwards. "I say yes, that's The Cube, so they are taking pride. That is a good thing about a neighborhood like ours."
Article and Video Link: Flint Community Schools welcomes 'The Cube' with a beam signing